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Articles for Professional Brass Players

Jerry Fallenberg

Professional Trombone Performance Opportunities in the U.S.

Jerry Fallenberg

Never has it been easier to learn to play the trombone skillfully, but being a highly skilled trombonist gives no assurance of earning a high income as a player. The supply of competent trombonists far exceeds the demand for professional trombonists, especially in metropolitan areas.

Barry McCommon

Educate or Train

Barry McCommon

Brass teachers need to educate their students to put their own personal interpretation on the music, rather than training them to be a carbon copy of the teacher. In his own teaching, Barry tries to give his students the tools and freedom to make a musical statement uniquely their own.

David Leisner

Six Golden Rules for Conquering Performance Anxiety

David Leisner

Performance anxiety affects almost everyone, from the beginner to the most seasoned professional. It is truly remarkable what paranoid ingenuity most of us generate during performance in order to defeat ourselves.

Frances McGuckin

Be Nice to Your Accountant

Frances McGuckin

There seems to be a serious misconception that accountants can survive on no sleep for four months, work eight days a week, 30 hours a day, and not make mistakes – all for a small and reasonable fee. Get your taxes in early and make your accountant's life a lot easier!

Brad Howland

Other Articles

Brad Howland

Handy-Dandy Guide to Music Industry Acronyms

Have you ever attended a meeting of your AFM Local and been confused by the acronyms? I certainly have, which is why I made this quick reference. Feel free to print it and take it to your next union meeting, and you too will soon be slinging acronyms with aplomb!

Babylon 5 and the Power of Collective Bargaining

I prepared for a recent round of symphony orchestra negotiations by watching all five seasons of the television show Babylon 5 and writing down several key concepts. Those ideas were then brought into the negotiating process, with excellent results. I believe that Babylon 5 is a helpful resource for any musician going into a contract negotiation.

The Business of Getting More Gigs as a Professional Musician - A Review

Musician, writer, and speaker Bob Popyk has long been familiar to union musicians as a monthly columnist for the American Federation of Musician's newsletter, the International Musician. His book offers a wealth of information for anyone wanting to earn a decent living playing music.

Design a Great Concert Program

A book by Robin Williams, The Non-Designers Design Book, Design and Typographic Principles for the Visual Novice, discusses four basic principles of good graphic design: Proximity, Alignment, Repetition, and Contrast. These principles can be used to design a great program, whether it be for a solo recital, orchestra/band concert, or CD recording.

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